Economy: About Costa Rica Economy
~Costa Rica holds as a main foreign policy objective is to foster human rights and sustainable development as a way to secure stability and growth.
Products and Industry:
~In recent times electronics, pharmaceuticals, financial outsourcing, software development, and ecotourism have become the prime industries in Costa Rica's economy.
~The largest coffee growing areas are in the provinces of San José, Alajuela, Heredia, Puntarenas, and Cartago. Costa Rica is famous for its gourmet coffee bean
~Since 1999, tourism earns more foreign exchange than the combined exports of the country's three main cash crops: bananas, pineapples and coffee.
A sticker seen on an espresso machine in the coffee growing regions of Costa Rica. |
Women sorting
bananas and cutting them from bunches.
~Two-way trade between the U.S. and Costa Rica exceeded $8 billion in 2007.
~Exports have become more diversified in the past 10 years due to the growth of the high-tech manufacturing sector, which is dominated by the microprocessor industry and the production of medical devices.
~ The money is called "colon".
~If you have more than one dollar it is called "colones".
~Dollars are also used there.
1 colon, 1917 |
5 colones, 191x |
10 colones, 191x |
20 colones, 191x
~Costa Rica's basically stable economy depends on tourism, agriculture, and electronics exports.
~Costa Rica ranked 42nd in the world and first among Latin American countries.
~Costa Rica is known as the Latin American pioneer in the implementation of a modern welfare state.
~Economic growth slipped from 4.3% in 1994 to 2.5% in 1995 and to 0.9% in 1996 and then rebounded in 1997 to 3%.
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. The free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Costa Rica Wikipedia. March 2009.
Central Intelligence Agency's Office of Public Affairs. CIA World Factbook - March 5, 2009
Comments (3)
smacnicoll@... said
at 5:17 am on Mar 12, 2009
What are the main sources of income in Costa Rica? Where do they make their money?
smacnicoll@... said
at 7:45 am on Mar 11, 2009
Great job summarizing, Sedina!!
smacnicoll@... said
at 7:33 am on Mar 10, 2009
Sedina, You should read the information and summarize it. This has been copied. Please redo.
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