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Everglades, Florida

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Saved by smacnicoll@...
on March 23, 2009 at 6:09:37 am

History of Everglades

Everglades are tropical wetlands located in the southern portion of the US state of Florida.

Human habitation in the southern portion of the Florida peninsula dates to 15,000 years ago. Two major tribes eventually formed in and around Everglades ecosystems:the Calusa and the Tequesta. Also the Everglades are used as a hideout for the Semenoles. 

Flora and Fauna of Everglades 

Primary feature of the everglades are the sawgrass prairie. Some alligators choose these grass for nesting.

Portion of the Everglades are used for growing sugarcane.More than 350 species of birds, 300 species of fresh and saltwater fish, 40 species of mammals, and 50 species of reptiles live within Everglades National Park. There are many endangered animals and one of the most endangered animal is Florida Panther and they live in mostly Everglades. 

Nature and Science

Only one fifth of the Everglades is protected. Some people say that the Everglades only have two seasons wet and dry. Because it is always warm there and it's close to the equator. 


Photo Gallery

Nature Image:Everglades.jpg   
The nature of Flora and Fauna. Everglades National Park 

Everglades Marshlands


Semenole Indians once lived in the Everglades    







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