
Guayabo National Monument

Page history last edited by smacnicoll@... 15 years, 10 months ago

Guayabo A Few Facts : 

Guayabo is the largest and most important archeological site in Costa Rica. It forms part of the cultural region known as Central Intermountain and Atlantic Basin. Excavations at Guayabo have uncovered stone aqueducts, cobbled roads, mounds, walls and petroglyphs, although the majority of the ruins have yet to be excavated. Guayabo became a national monument in 1973, and the latest excavations began in 1989 and are still underway. It seems that it was inhabited since 1000 BC. Guayabo's development was greatest at 800 AD with approximately 10,000 people living there. Abandoned by 1400 AD, Guayabo is believed to be an important cultural, political and religious center but specific details have yet to be discovered. Scientists have discovered ancient bridges and dwellings. From what they have learned Guayabo is more then 3,000 years old. Guayabo was once an Indian Village. It was home to 1,500 to 2,000 people.


Guayabo has a lot of rain about 140 inches a year. The temperature ranges from 45ºF to 75ºF. Guayabo has it's own ranger station with showers, bathrooms, and trails. One of the most popular things to do in Guayabo is hike. The road is so rough they recommend having a 4WD (Four Wheel Drive) Vehicle for a forty-minute drive to Guayabo park off the main road. Guayabo is 536 acres and the park/monument was established in 1973.


Guayabo is still not completely explored. 



Each conical structure would probably have housed an entire multi-generational family!


The people of the ancient Pre-Columbian city of Guayabo Costa Rica apparently engineered a complex system of aqueducts to carry water around and through the city. Guayabo is an ancient of the Pre-Columbian era, situated in the midst of the cloud forests and rain forests of Costa Rica. Guayabo is the largest archaeological site yet found in Costa Rica


Guayabo Photo Gallery:



The forest and the city causeways, mounds and petroglyphs are the best scenic sights. 

Pájaro Bobo

(Momotus momota)

See full size image Guayabo national monument. This archaeological site was created by Congress with Law Nº 5300. 
As It Once Might Have Been   
 This is what Guayabo might have looked like. With all the tribe members helping out almost like indians once did.

Present day site overview.  





Comments (12)

Haley Doumousiaris said

at 9:57 am on Mar 17, 2009

we wre doin such a gud job

Steven Paquet said

at 8:01 am on Mar 17, 2009

yea matt the colors you said are right.

Coroland Gil said

at 7:20 am on Mar 17, 2009

i like this page sam !!!!! <3 * .

matthewmurphy said

at 10:49 am on Mar 16, 2009

So colors are

Steven: Blue
Me: Red
Tyson: White/black

Steven Paquet said

at 8:05 am on Mar 16, 2009

i put all my facts in BLUE !!!

Steven Paquet said

at 7:30 am on Mar 16, 2009

haha i did do stuff Guayabo A Few Facts :
Guayabo is the largest and most important archeological site discovered to date in Costa Rica. It forms part of the cultural region known as Central Intermountain and Atlantic Basin

Steven Paquet said

at 7:30 am on Mar 16, 2009

sorry guys i havnt done anything ive been out sick for the past few days i did some stuff but i dont remember i dont know if its still there

Tyson Lebrecque said

at 6:35 am on Mar 16, 2009

i changed the color because i couldn't read it. now the color is white.

Tyson Lebrecque said

at 6:22 am on Mar 16, 2009

anything i wrote is in orange.

smacnicoll@... said

at 5:39 am on Mar 16, 2009

Well done, Matt!! How about some more pictures with captions that describe the pictures.

matthewmurphy said

at 10:48 am on Mar 13, 2009

Everything I wrote is in RED.

smacnicoll@... said

at 5:42 am on Mar 12, 2009

Interesting - 3000 years old, now that's old! Good start Matt, Tyson, and Steven! Why not add pictures and captions of what a visitor would expect to see in Guayabo?

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