General Information About Volcanos in Costa Rica:
A good reason to visit Costa Rica's Volcanos other than their beauty is they are a wonderful place for white water rafting, sport fishing, swimming, boating, kayaking, horseback riding, mountain biking, and camping. Volcanic Costa Rica is part of the pacific ring of fire, there are over 200 volcanos in Costa Rica and only 100 are active.
Specific Volcanos:
- Irazu Volcano last erupted when the U.S. President John F Kennedy Visited Costa Rica.
- The Arenal volcano, in Costa Rica, has been active since 1968. Tiny rumblings,followed by streams of lava shoot up into the sky every 5 to 200 minutes! At night the orange-red lava looks like "fireworks dancing in the night sky"
Here is a list of some volcanos in Costa Rica
Arenal: active since 1968 5,436 ft. high
Barva: Last eruption 6050 AD, complex volcano
Cerro Tilaran: Shield Volcano - A shield volcano is a large volcano with shallow sloping sides. They are formed by lava that flows easily. Elevation: 634 meters / 2080.03 feet
Irazu Las teruption: 1963. Rises 11,260 ft.
Languna Poco Sol: Scientists aren't sure if it's really a volcano or just the product of a landslide. It's in San Carlos about an hour west of San Jose. Laguna Poco Sol Volcano is a 656 ft wide depression that is filled with a lake.
Miravalles: Last eruption 1946. Rises 6,654 ft.
Orosi: Last eruption 3,500 years ago It rises 5,443 ft.
Platanar: It is in known in the region as volcán Congo and is part of Juan Castro Blanco National Park.
Poas: last major eruption 1910 (most active volcano in Costa Rica) 8,885 ft (2,708 m) It's last eruption was in 2008. Rises 8,884 ft. Easiest way to get there is hiking.
Rincon de la vieja: (6217 ft, 1895 m)
All of the volcanos just listed are a range of 1500 FT to 11,000 FT
As listed at
Fun Activities to do in an Arenal Tour:
Hiking Trails
Horse Back Riding
Mountain Biking
Waterfall Rappelling
Hot springs
Hanging Bridges
Canopy Tours
Zip lines
Wildlife Viewing
Cave Tours
Photo Gallery of Volcanoes in Costa Rica:
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. The free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Costa Rica Wikipedia. March 2009.
Costa Rica Photos. Published 2007 by Edenia Systems International. March 2009.
Comments (6)
Alexander Mecca said
at 6:19 am on Mar 20, 2009
Yes Ok just relax and I had to realign the tables so they look neater. And I changed the image properties so it could fit okay?
Henry Preciado said
at 10:36 am on Mar 19, 2009
anything I wrote is in red...(OK ALEX!!!!!)
Henry Preciado said
at 10:35 am on Mar 19, 2009
that was me the I did put a caption
dont delete any pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i did put a caption but someone put it under the wrong picture.....dont do that again!!!!!!!!!
Alexander Mecca said
at 7:16 am on Mar 19, 2009
Whoever put the large volcano on the wiki I took it off because there wasn't a caption on it. Feel free to put it back on with a caption. Thank You.
smacnicoll@... said
at 5:21 am on Mar 16, 2009
When you post a photo of a volcano please post some information about it in the caption underneath. See how they did it on the snakes page.
smacnicoll@... said
at 5:22 am on Mar 12, 2009
Cohen, Sanela, Alex, and Henry - You have made a great start here. It would be great if you would tell a little about each volcano. Are they active? Can you visit them all? How do Costa Ricans know if they are safe to visit?
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